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Our Quality Policy

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Our Quality Policy

Our service policy is to continuously follow sectoral changes, technological developments and customer-customer relations with our team-spirited staff who have adopted a quality approach based on customer satisfaction.

In addition;

  • Timely detection of customer reports, rapid response to demands, on-time shipment, quality product and competitive price,

  • High-tech follow-up management and effective use in order to ensure continuous customer satisfaction,

  • Adopting the understanding that all policies are responsible for quality and therefore continuing trainings that will develop flexible, knowledge and skills of all personnel quality awareness, encouraging harmony and creativity,

  • Maintaining personal happiness and motivation,

  • Measurable details in the system based on the performance regime, evaluation of quality targets,

is our quality policy to adopt the concept of quality continuously, taking into account applicable conditions.

In this context, we aim to determine our quality targets, constantly review our targets and ensure that we spread this policy among all our employees.


Murat KAYA

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